I have internet explorer 11
Is there anything newer?
well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
I have internet explorer 11
Is there anything newer?
well, the switchover happened - there were a couple of things i had to fix which meant the posting was disabled for longer than i planned but it's now enabled and some people have already posted.. if you have any questions about the new format or suggestions on how to improve it, please post them here.. if you are having trouble signing in or posting then you'll need to email me instead.. many thanks to everyone for their patience during the changeover !.
Every time I log in. The site freezes up.
Sometimes I will be told there is a long running script on the site and to stop it by checking the box.
Other times I just cant get in.
Logging in for me is like surfing on face book, Looking at 20 famous stars and how fat they got, or where is spanky and our gang today. The ads or long running scripts make navigation impossible.
If I persist opening multiple browsers then I will get a notice internet explorer stopped working looking for solutions, When it cant find a solution I get a prompt to close internet explorer. When I close internet explorer then it reopens again and I can get on to this site.
It takes a lot of work and determination.
do you get confused sometimes whether this site is a discussion forum or a debating forum ?.
just asking.
whats your thoughts.. smiddy.
Cofty, Intellectually, honestly, I have to label myself an atheist.
I am convinced that you or the atheist community in general can cast doubt on all organized forms of religion.
I agree faith can not tolerate scrutiny.
The atheist are batting 100% in discrediting all other religions and belief systems.
Maybe that is the domain of the atheist, and I should leave it at that.
The atheist do not believe in a known God, or creator.
And they can cast doubt on any known God or creator.
I can accept that.
In a way they are like Jehovah's witnesses on steroids, they tear everything down.
But offer nothing in its place standing over the ruins of faith.
do you get confused sometimes whether this site is a discussion forum or a debating forum ?.
just asking.
whats your thoughts.. smiddy.
One thing, I like about this new site is I can post in paragraphs.
But how do you edit your post once you submit it?
Can you?
do you get confused sometimes whether this site is a discussion forum or a debating forum ?.
just asking.
whats your thoughts.. smiddy.
The only faith that is uncontested and encouraged here is atheism.
Having said that, 'It is what it is.
I enjoy it
The kingdom hall breeds atheist.
If you post about any other faith than atheism, your feet will be held to the fire
and you will be demanded to prove evidence above and beyond what is required to be of
the atheist faith.. Get ready the atheist will be coming out in a minute foaming at the moth
saying we are not a faith, we are not a belief, we are the truth.
Who does that remind you of.
What believers, and that is a big all encompassing word, call evidence or reasons to believe
atheist call circular reasoning.
And what atheist call evidence or reasons not to believe believers call circular reasoning.
With those rules of play, the truth will always be elusive.
And I figure that is just the way it is.
If there is a God that is the way he made it.
And if there is no God that is the way it is.
this week's book study contains this gem:.
the way in which the bible is written serves to test what is in our heart.
hebrews 4:12 says: the word [or, message] of god is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit .
Ecclesiastes says with Wisdom comes sorrow.
warning: poes law may apply.
i just wanted to take a moment and remind everyone that all muslims are good people.
"real" muslims would never kill in the name of their religion .
I think Islam and the Republican party,
will cause a lot of havoc in the United States.
if you do believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
if you don't believe in the bible's message, do you believe society has gotten better, worse, or has remained the same?.
on a personal note, there are many things that i can't help but notice that coincide with what the apostle paul wrote to timothy in his second letter chapter 3 regarding tough times:.
I will say it is hard to disprove the Bible.
The bible is the anvil that has worn out many hammers.
Having said that.
It might take one a life time to figure out what the bible says.
in the long winter nights you need some good tv shows to watch while you wait for the eternity between seasons of game of thrones.. we've watched marco polo (pretty good) and have just started watching orange is the new black which is not at all what i imagined (didn't know it was funny!).
house of cards is on the list too as we've heard good things about that.. anyone have any others that are worth seeing?.
Longmire is good.
the earth's magnetic field is in a weakening stage right now.
data collected this summer by a european space agency (esa) satellite suggests the field is weakening 10 times faster than scientists originally thought.
if the magnetic field weakens enough, then the earth could be hit with dangerous amounts of solar radiation and cosmic rays .....
Good post.
It will be like an airplane joke on this forum.